Points: 418
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Hard2Get commented on a list
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2013) (100 movies items)
"1. The Graduate 2. Gone Baby Gone 3. Timecrimes 4. Double Indemnity 5. There Will Be Blood 6. Inception 7. Saw 8. Scarface (1983) 9. The Dark Knight Rises 10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the "
12 years, 1 month ago
Hard2Get commented on a list
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012) (100 movies items)
"1. Inception 2. Saw 3. Scarface (1983) 4. The Dark Knight 5. Zodiac 6. The Prestige 7. The Graduate 8. Kick-Ass 9. V for Vendetta 10. Gladiator"
13 years ago
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2013)
Listal's 100 Films To See Before You Die (2012)
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